Monday, April 28, 2014

NOFSN is Dead. Long Live NOFSN!

Hey there free schoolers!!!!

In case you haven't noticed, we haven't printed a calendar or updated the website in a very long time. The NOFSN organizing body has been on an extended hiatus while some of our organizers and volunteers pursue exciting personal opportunities. But there's a pretty good chance you haven't noticed our break at all because the free school never needed its organizing body to exist. The organizers were just an amplifier for all the amazing stuff y'all did, and because you are the coolest, you are all still doing it! The classes have never stopped. So until we can get back up and running at full capacity, we have created an open source blog that you all can update with your classes or other free educational opportunities that you hear about.

You can access the site at: To add content, click "EDIT" in the bottom left hand corner, then type the information into text box that will appear on the left hand side of the page, when you are finished, click "PUBLISH" in the bottom left hand corner.

When posting a class be sure to include the following: Name of class, time and location of class, brief description of class, your contact information and/or the instructors contact information (with their permission), and any prerequisites or required materials.

Please note that classes, instructors, information and content posted on this site are not evaluated by the New Orleans Free School Network organizing body and so do not necessarily meet NOFSN's standards of inclusivity and alternative educational practices. Classes and content are not representative of one person, group or organization. This is your school. You are all teachers. You are all students.

If this is not good enough for you and you want the print calendar and full website to come back, to see us out at community events, to go to more of our awesome fundraisers, to go to our really fun organizers meetings, you should lead the charge to restart the organizing body! For information about what that would entail, get in touch with Hillary (937-361-1302,
Keep up that good learning!
New Orleans Free School Network